04.23.2012 Monday 2 Laps around the block = 1.5 miles Complete 4 sets of the following exercises 10 KB Get Ups! (5 each side) 20 AB Dolly Lower Body … [Read more...]
04.22.2012 Sunday
04.22.2012 Sunday Go Run Stone Mountain (sprints at the top) or Find a REALLY, REALLY Steep Hill and RUN IT! 10 TIMES … [Read more...]
04.21.2012 Saturday
04.21.2012 Saturday 2 Laps around the block = 1.5 miles Complete 5 sets of the following exercises 45sec Jump Rope 45sec Aero Bench Depth Push ups 45sec … [Read more...]
04.20.2012 Friday
04.20.2012 Friday 2 Laps around the block = 1.5 miles 5 MILE RUN! Be sure to time yourself. We want to make sure everyone is getting faster! … [Read more...]
04.19.2012 Thursday
04.19.2012 Thursday 2 Laps around the block = 1.5 miles Complete 5 sets of the following exercises 25 KB Swings 10 KB Goblet Squats 10 Push ups 10 KB Olympic … [Read more...]