Workout Wednesday 06.07.2017 Workout Wednesday: Grab a kettlebell and dumbbell and lets get rolling! 5 Sets 45 sec. each exercise and a 25yrd. suitcase … [Read more...]
Workout Wednesday 05.24.2017
Workout Wednesday 05.24.2017 Workout Wednesday: Body Weight / Dumbbell Workout Complete 5 Sets of the following exercises 50-50 Rope Alternating … [Read more...]
Workout Wednesday 05.17.2017
Workout Wednesday 05.17.2017 This weeks Workout Wednesday is a Body Bar WO. 3 Sets of the following exercises 15 reps each Lateral Shuffle Squats Side … [Read more...]
Workout Wednesday 05.10.2017
Workout Wednesday 05.10.2017 Today's WO is a Stability Ball AB routine. 3 Sets of 15 Reps each Upper Body Crunch Reverse Crunch Crunch Combo Hip … [Read more...]
Workout Wednesday 05.03.2017
Workout Wednesday 05.03.2017 Warm up: 3 Sets 25 Jumping Jacks / 10 Push Ups Round #1 3 Sets Kettlebells 25 KB Swings 15 KB Goblet Squats 15-15 KB Rev. … [Read more...]