New Year's Resolutions Don't Work!
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions for weight loss goals most fail to get started and for those who do start, many fail to see results. Why is that? Year after year, people set out to lose weight, eat healthier, lower health risk factors like blood pressure and blood sugar, but most of these goals are never accomplished.
There are few reasons for resolution failure.
Read my quick report on the "Reasons for Fitness Failure"
First, is poor planning. You have a goal and you may even have a date in mind to complete it, but you don’t have a plan to make it happen. Most people are great at goal setting, it’s the goal getting that separates those who do and those who don’t. I heard this from a business mentor a long time ago, but seems appropriate here. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” No, you don’t have to have everything figured out but there are some basics that need to be set in place for you to achieve your goal.
The second reason for resolution failure is lack of commitment and follow through. Weight loss takes time, especially if you haven’t been working at it for a while. People tend to give up the pursuit of a worthwhile, long-term goal for the instant gratification of the moment. Today we are use to getting everything in an instant. From ordering packages online to text and calls we expect everything we want, delivered, right now. It doesn’t matter how many books, gizmos, gadgets and surgeries you have to make it happen now, within two to three months (that’s being generous) you’ll be right back were you started or even worse.
The third reason for failure is an ineffective approach to health and fitness. In the gym, the first of the year is packed with members using the cardio machines. By mid March, they’re all gone. Why? Cardio is an ineffective approach to fat loss and a lean toned look. Sure this approach will get you into skinny jeans, but I’m pretty sure you won’t be caught at the beach in a bikini.
Another reason is lack of motivation towards the goal. The New Year is right around the corner or it’s New Years Eve and resolutions are being thrown out everywhere you go. This is one of the worst times to start something new. Yeah, okay, it’s a new year out with the old, in with the new, but nothing really changes. It’s another day and life hasn’t miraculously become something else. All the stars haven’t aligned themselves to make everything that was once out of focus become crystal clear as to a better life.
It would be nice, but it doesn’t work that way. If it did, wouldn’t you have moved on from the same resolutions you failed at last year? I would hope so.
The final reason for failure is being a quitter. Is this you? Think back over the last couple years. Are you accomplishing goals or are you good at just making them up and forgetting about them? It might be hard to believe, but there are a lot of quitters out there. You may recognize them from the excuses as to why they “can’t” do something or why that program, product or system wouldn’t work from them. If they’d take half the energy they use to make up excuses and quit and put it towards a goal, they’d be twice as likely to accomplish it.
Are you ready for this year to be different than the last? Whether it’s weight loss, financial, business or personal there are several steps that will be the difference between 2020 being the same as last year or a breakthrough year for you.
Register for my FREE “Solutions to Resolution Failure” webinar to find out how you to can accomplish everything you want and more from your New Year’s Resolutions!
Your time is NOW!
Make 2020 your best year ever!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!
Nathan J. Nowak