No Excuses!
We all have them. We can all make them up.
No one is without a good excuse or two ready and lined up when needed. Whether it be an excuse to procrastinate on a work project or homework to going to the gym or starting a new business, everyone "could" make up an excuse to put things off til later.
Later never comes. If there are things you want out of life, you have to drop the excuses and start making things happen. It's a daily battle. After awhile, excusable things in life become habits, but it starts with all the reasons why we should do something now versus all the reasons we shouldn't.
Today, start with one thing you've been putting off with excuses and start there. Start doing that one thing today, then tomorrow and the next day after. Pretty soon it will be a week later and look back at what you've accomplished rather than the "what if's"
If you'd like to be held accountable, which is a great motivator to keep moving, add a comment below as to what you will be starting today.
Let's make it happen together!