Do What Others Won't Do!
It's sounds easy. But, if it was, why aren't more people doing it? ...Give up the small instant gratification of the present to achieve greater rewards and benefits in the future. We've become an instant society and want everything NOW! Unfortunately for those who have become prisoner to this way of thinking, Things like weight loss, financial wealth and expert knowledge come over the long haul.
Not everything is instant. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few things that require lag time before benefits are rewarded.
Let's look at nature. A farmer doesn't plant seeds today and expect a harvest tomorrow. There's a lot of hard work involved before he sees the pay off for his work.
Remember this when you complete a workout Thursday morning and Thursday night you're ready to chow down on pizza. Fitness goals take time.
It's my personal opinion that this is a universal law. I think the universe is testing us to see how bad we really want something and how long we'll keep going to get it.
Whether your goal is to lose 50 pounds, complete an Ironman race or become a millionaire (or all 3!) everyone of them require giving up something now for the pursuit of the greater success in the future.
How bad do you want it?
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!