Training for Successful Weight Loss!
Here’s a basic fitness plan outline (with workout examples) you can implement today for maximum fat loss. Each week should consist of functional, resistance, plyometric and cardio workouts. The exercises should change to continuously challenge the body but the outline can remain the same for 12 weeks.
*Be sure to check with your doctor before starting this or any other workout program.
After a 10-15min warm up… i.e. mobility exercises, treadmill, elliptical, etc.
Monday: Functional Workout - Medicine Ball and Stability Ball
4 Sets: 45sec exercise, 15sec rest / 1min rest between sets
MB Squat – Push – Press
MB Side Twists
SB Leg Curls
MB Push Ups
MB Diagonal X Chops
SB MB Crunches
Tuesday: Resistance Workout – Dumbbells
3 Sets: 15 reps each exercise
Straight Leg Deadlifts
One Arm Row
Chest Press
Shoulder Press
Triceps Extension
2 min Cardio i.e. Jump Rope, Treadmill, etc.
Wednesday: Functional Workout
4 Sets: 45sec exercise, 15sec rest / 1min rest between sets
MB Squat – Push – Press
MB Side Twists
SB Leg Curls
Push Ups
MB Diagonal X Chops
SB MB Crunches
Thursday: Resistance Workout – Dumbbells
3 Sets: 15 reps each exercise
Straight Leg Deadlifts
One Arm Row
Chest Press
Shoulder Press
Triceps Extension
2 min Cardio i.e. Jump Rope, Treadmill, etc.
Friday: Plyometric Workout
4 Sets: 45sec exercise, 15 sec rest / 1 min rest between sets
Split Squats
Jump Squats
Lateral Ski Jumps
Saturday: Cardio Workout
1 Hour Spin, Bike, Walk, Run, Swim, etc.
Sunday: REST
Training programs alone aren’t enough to see significant changes. In order to have a successful training program, it must include supportive nutrition and supplementation. I’ll cover this next week.
Start Strong, Finish Stronger in 2016!
Thanks Nathan!! Just what I needed to get the new year started.
You’ve probably seen the new Healthworks at Coke. They did a great job on the renovation but I miss the old gym. 🙁
Hope you are well. It looks like you’re very happy. I’m happy for you! Thanks again for the workout!
Take care!
Lisa Tittle