Fitness and Cancer- Help Yourself In the Fight
by David Haas
Exercise may be the greatest prescription in any cancer regimen. In the past, cancer patients were directed to rest and relax. Now, cancer patients are being prescribed more exercise to help improve their conditions. Exercise can improve mood and alleviate symptoms related to cancer. Every cancer patient should develop an exercise regimen. Exercise can help to prevent cancer by improving the body’s functionality and immune system. An efficient immune system will help to eliminate cancer-causing toxins and free radicals from the body.
How Much Exercise is Recommended?
Patients should exercise moderately for 30- 60 minutes for five days per week. Every regimen will vary based upon their health assessment. Consult with a physician to determine your best plan. Physicians will advise patients on the amount of exercise he or she can handle based upon the patient’s strength and immune system.
What Types of Cancer Patients Benefit From Exercise?
Most cancer patients, even those with mesothelioma cancer, can handle some amount of exercise. Exercise is recommended at all stages of cancer. From diagnosis to treatment and recovery, patients should exercise to improve their overall quality of life. Anemia patients are prone to episodes of syncope or fainting when they exercise, so exercise is not recommended in these cases. Patients should consult with their physicians to avoid over-exertion during exercise.
What Type of Exercise is Recommended?
Most physicians recommend participating in a formal exercise program for increased motivation, but many exercises can be done at home. Many people join local gyms to participate in aerobics, spinning, Pilates, yoga, swimming and circuit training. Some cancer patients even participate in organized sports such as tennis, volleyball, flag football, badminton, squash and basketball.
Patients will also find support groups through exercise. Camaraderie may be built with participants in sports and can help patients improve their overall well-being and quality of life. People with support and life-long interactions tend to live longer than patients who do not have support. Exercise can have more benefits than just the physical activity itself. All cancer patients should get their body moving and get the support they need to feel better and live a fulfilled and hopeful life.
How Will Exercise Make Me Feel?
Many people will feel slow and lethargic without exercise. They may have frequent headaches or aches and pains in the body from poor circulation. Once patients begin to exercise, they will feel energized for several hours after exertion. When cancer patients rest, they will achieve a more restful sleep without interruption. Restful sleep can help the body heal, function better, and feel more rejuvenated the next day.
Diet also plays a role in how patients feel. Patients who combine exercise with a semi-vegetarian or vegetarian lifestyle will feel the most energized. Every cancer patient will improve his or her prognosis if healthy eating habits are combined with exercise. Consider exercise and a healthy diet to improve your life.
David Haas is a guest blogger for Trinity Fitness.
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