High Fructose Corn Syrup is Good for You!
I know you've had to have seen the new television commercials promoting H.F.C.S. and the great benefits of having it in your diet.
This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever watched! Here's a link to the youtube version of two moms discussing why its okay to give it to your kids. Just in case you haven't seen yet.
If you think for one minute that this has any substance to it you are in for a big surprise. High fructose corn syrup is one of the major leaders in the obesity epidemic we as American's are experiencing throughout the U.S.
H.F.C.S. is to the sweetener world as hydrogenated oil is to oil. Food Companies take something good and make something bad to keep manufacturing costs low and profits high.
If you would like to completely destroy your body's chances of burning fat and achieving the toned, fit, healthy body you are looking for, go to the local grocery store and find everything with the stuff in it. Eat and drink up! In addition to staying overweight and frustrated with your body's appearance, you'll experience the wonderful blood sugar crash and insulin levels running out of control like a roller coaster at Six Flags!
Sweeteners aren't created equal as with other products we've talked about in the past. If you have to use something to sweeten a beverage or food, use something lower on the glycemic scale and a product the body can break down without a huge insulin spike or by product that can be dangerous to your body.
Start Strong, Finish Stronger in 2012!