Even with great enthusiasm for the New Year and wanting to accomplish everything you've set out to, you'll still need to get plenty of rest and relaxation.
This is week fifty-one of fifty-two.
Use your excitement to fuel you when your energy is low. But, remember to give yourself a break from your pursuit on a regular basis.
This will prevent burnout and boredom.
Here's a great goal strategy for you...
What will 2012 bring for you?
What do you want to get out of 2012?
December (and even January) is the perfect month to reflect on the past year and set goals for the upcoming year. Focus on making short-term and long-term goals.
How do you plan to meet these goals? What steps will you take?
Don't simply move into 2012 without articulating what new wonderful things you envision for yourself.
First, find a quite place where you can be alone.
Second, right down everything you'd like to accomplish over the next year.
Finally run through the year in your mind as if you've already achieved everything you wanted for the year.
Use all of your senses while creating the pictures in your mind. The more you can bring these images into your mind, using all your senses, the faster you will attract them into your reality.
and don't forget to have fun with this!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger!