It’s the children that are suffering from fat minded parents!
There are 30, yes 30 states with more than 30% of the children categorized as obese!
Did you know that the majority of 6th through 9th graders right now will not outlive their parents?
The onset of adult diabetes in children is on the rise!
Wait, on the rise? Why are children being diagnosed with adult diabetes in the first place?
What the “H***” are you doing to your children? This is the future of your family, the future of our country and our legacy.
Rather than educate them and get them out of the house, you’d rather sit them in their rooms to play video games and surf the internet. Feed them frozen dinners and snacks and hope they don’t disturb you for the rest of the evening.
If you’re a parent, stop reading and look at your children.
Are they fat?
If the answer is anything but no, then take a long look in the mirror and realize YOU are killing them!
You should be arrested for manslaughter!
It’s not their fault.
You decided to have kids. Take responsibility right now and start creating a better life for them and yourself.
Parents ask me after hearing me speak at a seminar or completing our Nutrition Boot Camp, “How do I get “junior” to eat healthier foods?”
Obviously it’s taken you some time to change. It will be the same for your kids too.
If you’ve been feeding them fast food and other junk for several years and expect them to change overnight, you’re in for a rude awakening, my friend.
Just like anything, this is going to take time.
But, we as a society (considered at one time “a long time ago!” to be the healthiest in the world) MUST step up and take control of this situation.
We have so much information and technology at our finger tips and we can’t figure out how to stop growing fat kids.
Maybe there’s where the problem lies.
Too much technology and information!
Here’s a great quote from the Simpsons.
Mr. Burns: “I don't like being outdoors Smithers, for one thing, there's too many fat children.”
In order for us as a society, as a world at large, to get the obesity epidemic under control, we have to “get back to basics!”
When it comes to nutrition, we have fast food and quick weight loss on the same corner.
There was a study that asked teenagers and adults why they picked fast food?
The 4th most popular answer was taste!
The first three were quick, easy and cheap!
Quick, easy and cheap are no way to get lasting results in anything you do, especially fitness and exercise.
I tell people all the time when it comes to paying for personal training or a gym membership, “you’ll either pay now or pay later. But, if you pay later, just like a credit card, it will be with interest!”
So, what do you do now?
Throw away all that junk food in the house. Tell them we’ll have one cheat day a week.
Turn off the television and get those kids out moving!
To begin, I don’t care if it’s nightly walks as a family, but you’ve got to start somewhere.
If you need help, we (Trinity) are here for you!
We have programs for adults as well as children. If you want to schedule a time to talk, call us at 404.966.KICK (5425) for a consultation.
It’s up to you how you’ll live your life.
It’s your responsibility to guide your children on how to live theirs!
Amen! Seriously, who is driving the fat kids to the fast food places?
I totally agree! I see parents buying all those snack cakes for kids school lunches. And then when they do have their kids go out to play softball or other team sports, they all go out for pizza or ice cream.
Well put! Parents are in a position today where they must work harder than ever to nurture children with healthy lifestyles. While it is ultimately the parents who are responsible for their kids health, fast food restaurants must still be held accountable for their pervasive marketing to children and siting their restaurants within close proximity to schools.
To learn more about a movement working to encourage people to value [the] meal, check out
I am so glad you wrote this so directly and “in your face!” My son (9 yo) will tell you his favorite veggies are brussel sprouts and asparagus- not french fries. He does not own any video game players but is allowed to play games on the computer for a special treat. This could be any child if we didn’t have so many “busy” (ie: lazy) parents. I have a friend who was told by her doctor her 5 yo and 2 yo were obese. What did she do for dinner after their appointment? McDonalds.