ATTENTION – this is a disclaimer before you read today’s post. I’m taking off the gloves on this one.
For those of you who know me, this isn’t going to be shocking. But, for you new to my blog, my philosophy on training and how we do things, you’re either going to be pleasantly surprised by my “no holds barred” approach to fitness and weight loss or you’ll unsubscribe to protect your bed wetting and cry baby ways.
So, if you’re really ready, read on…
A new report, “F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America 2009” just released that there are 4 states in the U.S. that have reached an obesity level of 30%.
For the last five years, Mississippi has won the “Fattest State in the Union” award. (That’s not a real award. I thought it was appropriate.)
Mississippi has the highest rate of adult obesity at 32.5 percent. Now added to the “Plus Size” category is Alabama (31.2 percent), West Virginia (31.1 percent) and Tennessee (30.2 percent)
Two thirds of the adult population, in the U.S., is considered obese or overweight!
This is freakin’ ridiculous!
When are people going to get it?
If you keep shoving Twinkies, doughnuts, sodas and other fast food items into your chubby little mouths, you’re going to get fatter!
It’s similar to the saying, “the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.” If you keep doing certain things in a certain way, you will continue to see the same result. Whether it’s good or bad, the end result is what you’ve been putting in.
We see these statistics and think “WOW” that’s scary, but we do nothing about it.
What’s it going to take to get people to turn off the television, off the couch and to start moving?
The first step is action! And I don’t mean the actions people have been taking up to this point.
I mean get out and start moving.
Even if it’s only walking in the evenings, riding a bike to work or taking the stairs, this is better than nothing.
This will increase blood flow, oxygen will be pumped throughout the body more efficiently and will also burn some extra calories.
You will need additional exercise and a structure workout routine to achieve an overall goal of weight loss and see real change, but to start the ball rolling, moving around more will be a great start.
The second step is nutrition.
We have to stay away from fast foods and start cooking meals at home again.
Yes, I said again.
Unless you’re one of these new parents, from the XYZ generation (or whatever they call it now) that have only fed yourself fast food and now feeding your children the same crap, you had to have had some home cooked meals growing up.
If you can’t cook, learn. There are so many easy recipe books out there, including Trinity’s Fit Eats! And Fit Eats! 2 cook book series.
You can find these cook books at Fit Eats! and Fit Eats! 2
This is only the beginning, but it’s a great start!
Get moving TODAY,
Start eating better TODAY,
And you will see significant changes in the way you feel and the way you look!
If you’re interested in a structured program that can assist you with a fast and easy jump start to your fitness and nutrition routine, Trinity’s Take 21 – 21 Day Transformation program is where you should start.
Check it out at Take 21.
amen, brother. i love your blog, miss your gym and i think that you can’t scream this loud enough! make fast food disappear.
I agree wholeheartedly! People need to start making health a priority in their lives, but I guess it’s just easier to make excuses…
I don’t think you were harsh at all. The truth is the truth. Our society needs a loud resounding wake up call.