Kris, Wins American Idol!
This is what I’ve heard several times this morning. It was plastered on the televisions at one of the corporate classes I taught too.
Some people had such huge smiles on their faces. You would have thought they won the lottery, landed a promotion or happy to see me teaching class. 🙂
But, none of this was what caused such happiness in these people’s lives. It was, Kris on American Idol that caused such feelings of great joy.
SO, what does this mean for you and me?
Absolutely, positively nothing!
Yes, it’s great that Kris (I only know his name because everyone keeps saying he won) won American Idol.
He had a goal, set his mind up to win, took the necessary “action steps” to see it to completion and WON!
But just think, while you sat on the couch in front of the television night after night waiting, watching and maybe even calling in a few votes for the show, your life, your goals, were pushed aside so you could watch someone else accomplish theirs.
If you took half the enthusiasm I witnessed this morning and applied it to your life goals, just imagine how much farther you’d be.
It’s great to see others succeed. If you can show gratitude towards them for their accomplishments, you will be in the right mindset to achieve/receive yours.
But, remember, you have to take action!
Finish Strong!
very creative take!
It always take focus,focus and more focus…