Brittany Spears, Kirstie Alley and even Oprah Winfrey have been an inspiration and motivation for women to get in shape. But the disappointment is that even these high profile celebrities can’t get it right when it comes to nutrition and exercise and that’s a disappointment.
Each one of these women have shared their secret to successful weight loss tips and shown off their super attractive looks, only to show us months later that in reality they really didn't have a secret formula and have gained back all the weight they started with and a little more!
We are in such desperation to look like supermodels we'll follow anyone out there to get this mysterious body that seems to always be far off in the distance.
Once we try these diet and exercise plans referred to by these beautiful people and fail, we blame them, the program, the food, the media everyone.
Is it these celebrities’ faults that they let you done or is the person to blame looking back at you in the mirror?
When their contract is over for pushing or let’s call it what it really is and say “pimping” these products and potions they’re no more accountable for their actions than you and I on a regular bases.
Which seems to have happened to Kirstie after her Jenny Craig contract expired.
So let me ask you a couple questions…
Would you take your car in to be repaired by the local dog catcher?
Would you ask your broke, out of work neighbor for financial advice?
What about trusting your next hair cut to a chef?
I hope the answer is no to all of these, right?
Well, then why trust “movie stars” for exercise and nutrition advice?
We see them for an hour on a sit com or 2 hours during a movie and think, “wow, they’re in great shape. I want to look like them.” But, in actuality, they know nothing about exercise, nothing about nutrition and do really dangerous stuff to get their bodies to look “perfect” for camera.
They hire trainers, full time chefs and workout several times per day if necessary to get a role in a film.
This is the real world we live in.
If you want exercise and nutrition advice you seek out a fitness professional with a proven track record and system for success!
If you are looking for sound nutrition information sign up for Trinity's 3 Week Nutrition Boot Camp. If you want to see in the mirror the image you can only find in your mind right now, this is the place to start!
83 lbs in a year or two seems like an awful lot. Any thoughts on why she didn’t seek help sooner? Do you put on weight more quickly after a dramatic drop?